Lighting Design
Tossut, el jo dissenyador en època de confinament
Inestable, la dificultat de concentració persistent
Abstracta, la creativitat infinita
Opaca, la impossibilitat de transmetre a l’ambient
Direcció, les múltiples opcions creatives
Interior, la cocció del disseny
Obertura, la via lliure expressiva
Base, l’ajuda a mantenir-se ferm
Tap, els successos problemàtics del procés
Ceràmica i suro, la meva terra,
on m’aferro quan em sento perdut
Tossut, my designer self during lockdown
Unstable, a persistent difficulty in concentrating
Abstract, the infinite creativity
Opaque, the impossibility of transmitting to the environment
Direction, myriad creative options
Interior, the cooking act of the design
Opening, the expressive free path
Stand, an aid to stay strong
Lid, the problematic events of the process
Pottery and cork, my homeland,
the place I hold onto when I feel lost
Tossut, a table lamp, derives its name from the Catalan term for a "Roly-poly toy" The design concept was born out of an introspective exploration during the 2020 lockdown.
The lamp features a unique shape that allows warm interior light to escape through a single opening, which can be sealed with a cork cap. Crafted from clay, a quintessential material in Catalonia, my homeland, the design pays homage to local craftsmanship.
The wobbling base serves as a metaphor for the designer's occasional sense of instability. It includes a stabilizing stand pointing in a specific direction, symbolizing the complementary support needed to stay focused on goals. The lamp represents a guiding light on one's journey, whether pursuing aspirations or choosing a different path.
Unlike conventional lamps that conceal cables, Tossut brings the cable to the forefront, emerging from the interior like the light itself. This intentional visibility underscores the significance of both the lamp's primary function and the components working together. It highlights a parallelism between the enchantment of purpose and the essential technology, offering tribute to often overlooked elements. Additionally, the cable serves a dual purpose by securing the cork stopper and guiding it in its movement.
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2024 © Marc Parés
Lighting Design
Tossut, el jo dissenyador en època de confinament
Inestable, la dificultat de concentració persistent
Abstracta, la creativitat infinita
Opaca, la impossibilitatde transmetre a l’ambient
Direcció, les múltiples opcions creatives
Interior, la cocció del disseny
Obertura, la via lliure expressiva
Base, l’ajuda a mantenir-se ferm
Tap, els successos problemàtics del procés
Ceràmica i suro, la meva terra,
on m’aferro quan em sento perdut
Tossut, my designer self during lockdown
Unstable, a persistent difficulty in concentrating
Abstract, the infinite creativity
Opaque, the impossibility of transmitting to the environment
Direction, myriad creative options
Interior, the cooking act of the design
Opening, the expressive free path
Stand, an aid to stay strong
Lid, the problematic events of the process
Pottery and cork, my homeland,
the place I hold onto when I feel lost
Tossut, a table lamp, derives its name from the Catalan term for a "Roly-poly toy" The design concept was born out of an introspective exploration during the 2020 lockdown.
The lamp features a unique shape that allows warm interior light to escape through a single opening, which can be sealed with a cork cap. Crafted from clay, a quintessential material in Catalonia, my homeland, the design pays homage to local craftsmanship.
The wobbling base serves as a metaphor for the designer's occasional sense of instability. It includes a stabilizing stand pointing in a specific direction, symbolizing the complementary support needed to stay focused on goals. The lamp represents a guiding light on one's journey, whether pursuing aspirations or choosing a different path.
Unlike conventional lamps that conceal cables, Tossut brings the cable to the forefront, emerging from the interior like the light itself. This intentional visibility underscores the significance of both the lamp's primary function and the components working together. It highlights a parallelism between the enchantment of purpose and the essential technology, offering tribute to often overlooked elements. Additionally, the cable serves a dual purpose by securing the cork stopper and guiding it in its movement.
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2024 © Marc Parés